GPFA International Branding Award
This year's GlobalPETS Forum Asia (GPFA) was another big success. The organization received a lot of positive reactions from the 80 attendees, whose active participation greatly contributed to a energized and relaxed atmosphere. Inspiring speakers took the visitors on a branding journey they won't soon forget.
On the renowned social evening, the GlobalPETS Forum Asia Award was handed out to the companies that stand out through their international branding efforts. GlobalPETS examined how the nominees have managed to build their brand internationally and gain a serious market share in the pet industry.
This year, the award went to:
- Yantai China Pet Foods Co. Ltd., China
- Fida Pet, China
- PLB International Inc., Canada
GlobalPETS congratulates all winners and looks forward to the GPFA in Shanghai next year.
【上(shàng)一篇】:Press Release for CIPS’16
2025年(nián)9月(yuè)16-18日(rì) 英國(guó)伯明(míng)翰五金(jīn)工(gōng)具、花(huā)園園藝及寵物(wù)用品展覽會
FIEE 2025巴西(xī)國(guó)際電(diàn)力電(diàn)子(zǐ)及智能能源展銷售正式啓動
Energy Storage International 2023 - 美(měi)國(guó)國(guó)際電(diàn)池儲能展ESI
Solar Power International 2023 - 美(měi)國(guó)國(guó)際太陽能展RE+
THE GREEN EXPO 2023 - 第30屆墨西(xī)哥綠色能源展
WSEW 2023 - 第19屆日(rì)本國(guó)際智能能源周
FIEE 2023 - 第31屆巴西(xī)電(diàn)力電(diàn)子(zǐ)展
展覽回顧 | 2023年(nián)哈薩克斯坦(阿斯塔納)國(guó)際汽車零部件(jiàn)、汽車技(jì)術及服務展覽會(Automechanika Astana)
第24屆中國(guó)國(guó)際寵物(wù)水(shuǐ)族展覽會(CIPS 2020) 展後報告.